- Age/generation - is can dictate levels of independence afforded to the individual.
- Gender - Our sex affects the way we are treated by some individuals.
- Race - Prejudice and perceived racial superiority can affect hopes and aspirations.
- Religion - Moral codes and ideologies that serve to guide, unite and divide.
- Class or caste - A classification that an individual may never escape from.
- Personality - Extrovert and introvert are classifications of personality.
- Intelligence - educational establishments, based on IQ, often segregate us.
- Political persuasion - Left wing or right wing. Each carries its own ideology.

2. Gender- I am a female and with todays views, others treat me different (or any female different) then how they treat men. With todays generation most guys do not hold the door for you or say ladies first but there is still a view of respect for women. Also, women have more say in the world vesus in the past where women couldn't even vote. My gender does divide me from that of male but today's gender doesn't divide people as much as it used to.

3.Race - I am white and in todays society race is not looked at the same. People are more accepting of the different races and many people today are a mix of different races where as "back in the day" race was a huge deal and race was the main factor of how society was divided. Therefore race does not divide me from others.

4.Religion- Religion in my opinion does not divide us as much as others would think. I personally am not very religious but I still have good morals and I don't break the rules. I am considered a "goody - good" but yet everyday I see people whom are "religious" and are far from being a goody- good. Also, with our generation we are more accepting of others including their religious views. And now-a-days many groups of friends consist of people with different views or religion.
5.Class or caste- As always there are different classes that define or divide people. We all know of the lower, middle and upper class. In my opinion people are still divided by what you can afford. For example, I am part of the middle class where I will most likely go to a decent college and graduate but with the more upper class most will go to really nice colleges like Stanford and the lower class people will most likely go to an instate college and or even a community college.
6.Personality- Personality divides us and define us. My personality is more of a friendly, out going, talkative, and positive personalty. These characteristics are similar to my group of friends which divides me from other groups that are maybe even a little more out going or less.
7.Intelligence- Intelligence divides groups as seen everywhere. I am a little above average when it comes to intelligence and I take honors classes which leads me to hang out with a different group of people then those whom take regular classes.
Below are the links where I got my images to represent each category that I discussed:
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