"The New Napoleons- Truman and Churchill"
This photomontage was made during the cold war, where the public shows there hate towards Truman and Churchill. The reason these two men were hated so much was becuase they were known for being responsible for the cold war. They are considered to be responsible for the cold war through manipulation and selfishness of wanting power and money. That is why they where being referenced to Napoleon, because Napoleon was a selfish power hungry man that brought up lots of controversy during his time.
I personally think this is a effective expression of the message with Truman and Churchill that the public is trying to display and project. At first look you can tell the image is about two men that are power hungry and when you look closely you can see in the hat, a money sign showing that these two men also crave money. Thus, it is easy to comprehend the title "The New Napoleons- Truman and Churchill."
The technique of photomontage that was used in the picture above was recognizing the familiar. The viewer id meant to recognize familiar images (Truman and Churchill) advertising campaigns that the photomontage is based on. The viewer is drawn to the differences from the original and the new meaning supplied by the changed information.
This image was found at the following website and you can also find many more examples of politic photomontages: http://dl.lib.brown.edu/Views_and_Reviews/item_views/artist_itemlevel_P-Z.php?id=158&view_type=artist_index
Another political photomontage is seen above in which it shows how powerful women are to the nation. This montage effectively shows how women can be powerful and "rule the world." Some techniques that were used in this specific photomontage is contrast and exaggeration of scale. Contrast is used to gain our attention and individual components of the photomontage may be in sharp contrast (although it may be hard to see because the image is small but the landscape is in sharp focus while the girl is slightly out of focus) to each other. Also, Exaggeration of scale is altering the scale of components of the photomontage the artist can exaggerate a point. Like the women in this image is way bigger then the buildings, showing an over powering look to the photomontage.
You can find the image from above at the following website:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=3&gs_ri=psy-ab&gs_mss=contemporary+photom&qe=Y29udGVtcG9yYXJ5IHBob3RvbW9uYXRnZXM&qesig=8Rrup_SDQ-r2z_V_K57w4Q&pkc=AFgZ2tm7be-3uY3Mok-M9__MVohY2muUQfc3aJpaRITznHQGaY1PqPn4AgB8KBggSQZ6q8Uwg_M4UoL7RUDzgKgAX9zebd_oAA&pq=contemporary&cp=26&gs_id=32&xhr=t&q=contemporary+photomontage+artists&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42452523,d.cGE&biw=1133&bih=873&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=LBEdUanHG6PiiALAnoGYBA#imgrc=x7O1Fh8JzCughM%3A%3BsCMOYjUVxWZPMM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F24.media.tumblr.com%252Ftumblr_m5xabjEev01qimhjco1_500.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tumblr.com%252Ftagged%252Ffalckenhaus%3B500%3B379
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